Other similar Venues, charge high fees and boast and brag and boast and brag all about money, money, money... infact, a recent newsletter was sent out THIS week that actually hinted to teacher sellers to NOT offer So many freebies because certain greedy sellers were complaining that too many buyers only come to the site for the freebies and never buy anything..Really? Are you serious? We are TEACHERS! WE SHARE! The economy is terrible.. I just got sick to my stomach when I read this newsletter this week. That is just taking it too far. Now there are "rules" about what kind of Freebies you should be offering. I don't think so.. Greed and Money is the "root to all evil" and it sounds like some of the sellers/owner are losing touch with reality and are obsessed with the push to make more and more and more money...OFF OF TEACHERS!!! Shameful..
Now back to Teachers Notebook: They are Giving Away something Super Huge, Y'all