Easter Punctuation Practice

This set of printables has students read two sentences without correct punctuation or capitalization and correct them by re-writing them. All of the sentences are Easter related! There are 5 sets of sentence practice.Easter worksheets, Activities and experiments for first, second, third and fourth grades. Great Easter worksheets & Activities for the classroom or the home.
Spring Roll-A-Story

This Spring themed Roll-A-Story will have your students engaged and having fun as they roll a dice to determine the setting, character and problem of their Spring story! There are 2 different types of lined paper and a story planning sheet to help them brainstorm before writing. This activity is perfect for a center or even as a full class activity!
Check out these and MUCH more!
A collection of Spring worksheets and activities. These classroom tested Spring activities and worksheets are perfect for the classroom or home. These Spring activities and worksheets are a great resource for elementary grades and middle school grades. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

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